Learn how to like yourself. In life the worst things you could is to go through life beintg against
yuorself. If that was how you feel about yourself this blog will help to you, begin feel positive, attractive, and successul about yourself.
I read a passage in a book by Neal Donald Walsh which describes the impact of your thoughts in a very straightforward manner. The passage was entitled "A Thought Is Forever" and went on to describe how thoughts generate energy which then create an impact upon the surrounding world, the universe itself:-
"Thought is pure energy. Every thought you have, have ever had, and ever will have is creative. The energy of your thought never ever dies. Ever. It leaves your being and heads out into the universe, extending forever. A thought is forever."
A Stanford University study which was undertaken several years ago concluded that the average person has sixty thousand thoughts a day, fifty nine thousand five hundred of which are the same as the day before. We think many of our thoughts without planning to do so; they just happen in an instinctive and spontaneous manner, springing from our subconscious mind in a similar manner to spring water suddenly spurting forth above the ground.
An interesting exercise which you might like to try is to plan to only think about what is happening right now for a short period of time; to spend even five minutes "in the now" can prove to be an incredibly difficult task. Most of us are just so used to a constant commentary of thoughts running through our minds that we have forgotten what it feels like to still our minds and therefore be able to place our full focus upon the current moment.
Not only have we forgotten what this feels like, we somehow can also feel that we do not know how to still our minds and STOP these myriad thoughts from interfering with our enjoyment of the current moment. Perhaps if we realized the true impact of emitting such a mixed bag of thought energy we would try a little harder to still our thought s and focus our energy more positively and more effectively.
Not only would this have a major impact upon our own immediate life and environment, it would also benefit the big wide world far away from us; the entire universe is affected by every thought each of us has. We tend to think that our thoughts are our own individual and private "property" and believe that they only impact on our own immediate environment; but as Neal Donald Walsh points out so succinctly in the quote above, this is not the full story of a thought's impact. Your thoughts affect the world around you.
How to Change Your Life by Changing Your Perspective
Would you like to learn a short-cut to success? One that will radically transform your life and bring you the success and happiness that you really want in your life? It is not as hard as you my have led yourself to believe. I'd like to share with you a very simple, very powerful way to instantly begin transforming your life.
It is called 'changing your perspective', and it is something that you have probably done many times in the past.
Has this ever happened to you? You are going along, experiencing all these big problems, and whining and complaining about how tough things are, how unfair life is, when suddenly you get one of these wake up calls and in an instant, your life, and your problems, don't seem quite so tough any more?
I am sure that it has.
It happens to all of us.
Life offers all of us many, many opportunities to grow into our full potential, but it is only when you are able to step back a bit and see your own life clearly that you are able to take advantage of your incredible potential.
So how clear is your perspective on your life?
Are you being real about your challenges?
Or are you making mountains out of mole hills?
In other words:
How real are your problems?
If you were to put your biggest problems down on paper and then you showed them to a stranger, would that person be blown away and say, "Wow, you have really got it hard!"
Or would they glance at your little list of problems and say, "You are kidding, right? These are your problems?"
What if your best friend came to you with the same exact list of challenges. Would you look at your friend's list and see those challenges as huge and unsolvable, or would you see them as easily overcome?
It is amazing how quickly a change of perspective can alter how you feel about the problems in your life.
What once seemed like a huge obstacle can instantly become a minor annoyance.
Everything, and I do mean everything, in life is relative, and you can always look around and see people who seem to have it easier than you do, people who don't seem to have the same challenges or the same problems that you have. You can see people who appear lucky or who seem to have been born in the right place or the right time.
But that is just one perspective that is available to you. That is just one way of looking at the world.
Here is another: You can also look around yourself and notice many, many people who seem to be worse off than yourself.
This approach may make you feel better for a moment, but it is not really any better. In both cases, you are comparing yourself and placing a value on your perceived problems, a value based on what you think other people are experiencing and not based on the reality of your situation.
But those are only two perspectives... there is another way!
The best choice is to allow yourself to see your life and your challenges as honestly as possible. When your life seems too hard or too challenging, let yourself step back and look for the big picture. Sometimes you have to force yourself to stop and breath for a moment, and pull yourself out of the picture, but you can do it.
Once you do, you will notice that there are many more options open to you than you thought possible. You are never stuck with just one way to see your life. Open your eyes and your mind to the true choices that are before you, then choose the most honest one.
Do that consistently and your life will never be the same again.
It is called 'changing your perspective', and it is something that you have probably done many times in the past.
Has this ever happened to you? You are going along, experiencing all these big problems, and whining and complaining about how tough things are, how unfair life is, when suddenly you get one of these wake up calls and in an instant, your life, and your problems, don't seem quite so tough any more?
I am sure that it has.
It happens to all of us.
Life offers all of us many, many opportunities to grow into our full potential, but it is only when you are able to step back a bit and see your own life clearly that you are able to take advantage of your incredible potential.
So how clear is your perspective on your life?
Are you being real about your challenges?
Or are you making mountains out of mole hills?
In other words:
How real are your problems?
If you were to put your biggest problems down on paper and then you showed them to a stranger, would that person be blown away and say, "Wow, you have really got it hard!"
Or would they glance at your little list of problems and say, "You are kidding, right? These are your problems?"
What if your best friend came to you with the same exact list of challenges. Would you look at your friend's list and see those challenges as huge and unsolvable, or would you see them as easily overcome?
It is amazing how quickly a change of perspective can alter how you feel about the problems in your life.
What once seemed like a huge obstacle can instantly become a minor annoyance.
Everything, and I do mean everything, in life is relative, and you can always look around and see people who seem to have it easier than you do, people who don't seem to have the same challenges or the same problems that you have. You can see people who appear lucky or who seem to have been born in the right place or the right time.
But that is just one perspective that is available to you. That is just one way of looking at the world.
Here is another: You can also look around yourself and notice many, many people who seem to be worse off than yourself.
This approach may make you feel better for a moment, but it is not really any better. In both cases, you are comparing yourself and placing a value on your perceived problems, a value based on what you think other people are experiencing and not based on the reality of your situation.
But those are only two perspectives... there is another way!
The best choice is to allow yourself to see your life and your challenges as honestly as possible. When your life seems too hard or too challenging, let yourself step back and look for the big picture. Sometimes you have to force yourself to stop and breath for a moment, and pull yourself out of the picture, but you can do it.
Once you do, you will notice that there are many more options open to you than you thought possible. You are never stuck with just one way to see your life. Open your eyes and your mind to the true choices that are before you, then choose the most honest one.
Do that consistently and your life will never be the same again.
Would you like to learn a short-cut to success? One that will radically transform your life and bring you the success and happiness that you really want in your life? It is not as hard as you my have led yourself to believe. I'd like to share with you a very simple, very powerful way to instantly begin transforming your life.
If you would like to learn more about the law of attraction and how you can manifest your dreams into reality - with less struggle and better results - I invite you to grab your free copy of the ultimate manifesting eBook right now at http://www.freelawofattractionreport.com. Click right now and you can begin creating meaningful, positive changes in your life, today!
Power Of Positive Thoughts
Never underestimate the power of positive thoughts. They have the capacity to make miracles happen and turn tides. Call it whatever you want, but you can’t deny that a person’s vibrations have a hand on their fate.
Of course, I understand that the skeptic in you might be loudly protesting. But why don’t you read this article first, then check back with yourself to see whether the power of positive thoughts has gotten through to you or not.
Curing An Illness
Miracles of different kinds are happening all over the world right now. It could be happening to someone you know or someone you have yet to meet.
One of the most popular examples of a miracle is when someone’s health is clearly deteriorating and all of a sudden, they get well.
Sarah, 55, had been battling cancer for almost a year now. Her doctors have told her that she really didn’t have very long to live. Tired of all the treatments and all the gloominess surrounding her, she decided to change her outlook on life. After all, if she isn’t meant to stay on this plane for any longer, then there was nothing else she could do, right?
Instead of sinking into depression, Sarah began to do all the things that she had always wanted to try. She took art classes and started painting flowers. She also started to sing and laugh more often. The people around her noticed the significant renewal in her spirit. One day, she went back to the doctor for her regular check-up and they found out that her health has dramatically improved.
The Secret Formula
So how did the power of positive thoughts erase Sarah’s illness? Was there a secret formula of some sort involved? Honestly, positive thinking cannot always ensure 100% recovery. However, it does help improve a person’s life radically.
In Sarah’s case, she began focusing her thoughts and her energies into more positive past times. She got rid of her negativity and started enjoying life for what it is.
In a way, her subconscious began to take this as a sign that everything was turning out for the better. Miraculously, her cancer also disappeared.
The Power Of Positive Thoughts In Other Situations
Sarah’s case is quite extreme. However, there are other situations wherein the power of positive thinking can be very useful. For example, if you are preparing to pitch a project to your boss, you can’t expect a good reaction if you keep sending out negative thoughts to the universe.
Thoughts like “Maybe he won’t like what I have to say” or “The board members have probably seen all of this before” are surefire killers. Instead of moping in a corner, put all your enthusiasm into your project. Do the best you can so you won’t have any regrets. Think “This is going to be a great opportunity” all throughout.
Personally, the power of positive thoughts has really had an impact on my life. No matter how big or small the situation may be, I always have it in my mind to think positive.
7 Steps to Think Your Way to Wealth and Prosperity
Have you ever noticed that thought and attitude are contagious?
For example, let’s say you take a vacation to Jamaica. The laidback nature of the people, the culture, is more than just a vacation phenomenon. If you were a fly on the wall, i.e. not on vacation but simply spying on the locals, you’d notice that they’re significantly more laid back than say your average Manhattan inhabitant.
If you live in an environment which is very religious, chances are that religion even if it has never been on your radar or part of your upbringing, will become part of your life. Now you may not start going to church regularly but religion and religious theory is going to enter your life – it’s almost guaranteed.
The collective consciousness is defined by Robert Kennedy as A mode of awareness, in which we directly experience, through an intuitive felt-sense, our union with the interconnected wholeness of life, and recognize ourselves in others. Our identity extends beyond our individual boundary and embraces the collective, through a free and conscious act of identification, rather than through definition by convention or external authority.
Simply, if it can actually be simply defined, we’re connected. You can use the power of the collective conscious to bring more into your life.
You’re familiar, I’m sure, with many rags to riches stories. The story of Chris Gardner for example, he is the self-made millionaire, entrepreneur, motivational speaker and philanthropist who, during the early 1980s, struggled with homelessness while raising his young son. He surrounded himself with mentors, people whose goals were the same as his, people who were focused on success in the same industry – stock brokers.
It’s just one of thousands of success stories. It goes beyond mentorship thought that is certainly part of it. Our lives are directly affected on a deep level by the people we surround ourselves with.
You want to be more artistic – go live in an artistic community – Paris for example - and surround yourself with people who inspire you artistically.
You want a laid back lifestyle where money is secondary to the lure of the sun, sand and sea? Go to Jamaica, Costa Rica, and Fiji.
You want to become a novelist, surround yourself with writers.
You want to become a wealthy business owner? Surround yourself with wealthy business owners.
It’s about more than learning from the masters. It’s about tapping into the collective consciousness of such an environment and utilizing it to create your vision of your future. To create the success and prosperity you desire.
Step One: Determine what it is you desire. If it is wealth and prosperity in the software development industry then write it down. Create a vision statement so you’re 100% clear on what you’re setting your sights on. What you’re striving for. Place that vision statement somewhere accessible, somewhere you can see it every day.
Step Two: Ask yourself if you’re surrounded by the right people? Now this isn’t an invitation to leave the life as you know it behind. It’s merely a time to assess your present situation. Is there anyone in your life who is a negative force? Someone who is constantly telling you, your dreams are impossible? You can’t do it? Now may be the time to ask that person to support you.
Likewise who are the positive forces in your life? The people who are supporting you and want to see you succeed? Make a point of telling those who do support you ‘thank you’ and spend more time with them.
Step Three: Make a list of people who are successful in your industry or relevant industries – meaning they’re not competition. Try to list at least 20 people you’d like to talk with, have coffee with, and do business with. Don’t set limits. If Bill Gates is on your list then great! If you’re aspiring to get into a sports industry and you’d love to chat with Peyton Manning then put him on your list.
If you aspire to open a thriving home organization business then by all means put Martha Stewart on the list!
Step Four: Gather the contact information for the people on your list and create a schedule for connecting with them. For example, if Bill Gates is on your list then find out how to contact him and set a date to contact him. Simply let him know you’d like five minutes of his time to learn the secret to his success.
Step Five: Surround yourself with people who are on the same path you are. This means participating, or even forming, mastermind groups. Finding a mentor or a coach who is dedicated to your success. Simply put – put yourself on the path to success by engaging the help of others.
Step Six: Read. Inspiration comes in many forms. Reading about the success and the path to success for people both in your industry and outside your industry will not only help you stay focused on your goals, it will also inspire you to reach perhaps beyond your goals. Reading about the lives, successes and failures of others, will show you perhaps a different way of doing things. It will give you compassion and understanding, for others and for yourself, and it will move you to pursue your dreams.
Of course you have to choose the right books to read, you don’t want to read something that brings you down or has the effect of squashing your dreams. Try the four hour work week by Tim Ferris if you want an enjoyable read and insight from someone who definitely thinks outside the box.
Step Seven: Stop planning and start acting. Action speaks louder than words – this is true both with personal relationships and with the universe. When you start taking active steps to achieve your goals, the collective consciousness helps you remain active. You can simply by your actions start changing the collective consciousness around you. That means you can not only change your life – you can influence the lives of others around you. Pretty powerful stuff!
Still doubting the power of the collective conscious? Think about the current mood on the state of the economy. It’s gloom and doom and the mood is spreading faster than dandelions on a summer lawn. Even people who are relatively unaffected are feeling poorly about the state of the economy. The collective consciousness is that the economy is bad and we’re all suffering, even if we’re not.
The converse can be true and you can take part in a collective consciousness that has hope, sees opportunity and refuses to participate in that line of thought.
Wealth and prosperity are still very real opportunities. Take advantage of the people out there who support you, who believe that wealth and prosperity are possible, and who inspire you to realize your dreams. Find or create your own collective consciousness and let it lead you to your goals.
It's about more than learning from the masters. It's about tapping into the collective consciousness of such an environment and utilizing it to create your vision of your future. Here are 7 steps to create the success and prosperity you desire.
Jeremy is an entrepreneur, online business owner & marketer, philanthropist, avid reader, outdoor & nature lover with over 12 years of offline & online business experience. To learn more about having the correct mindset in business be sure to visit MindmaptoRiches.com
Article Source: http://www.positivearticles.com. PositiveArticles.Com does not vouch for or necessarily endorse the contents of this article.
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